jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012

Train to the city

A sailor went to sea

Genki English

  • Warm up
  • Silence techniques
  • What's your name?

Open shut them (opposites)

Swimming in the swimming pool

 Swimming in the Swimming Pool

Swimming, swimming, in the swimming pool
Hot days, cold days, in the swimming pool
Breast stroke, side stroke, fancy diving, too
Don't you wish that you could have
Nothing else to do, but... (repeat)

  swimming: crawl
  pool: draw square
  hot days: fan self
  cold days: hug arms
  breast stroke
  side stroke
  fancy diving

With each repeat, drop a motion word and use only the motion

Circle time songs

  • Weather song
  • Little Bunny Boo Boo
  • There's a Spider on...
  • Five green speckled frogs
  • Frog song
  • Sharing chant

Twinkle , twinkle, little star

sábado, 15 de septiembre de 2012


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